

Capt. Hammond of the Harvard 'Varsity Crew met President Bigelow of the Yale Navy at New London Tuesday, for the purpose of arranging the date of the annual race. After several hours' discussion, President Bigelow submitted to Capt. Hammond the proposition that the race should be rowed this year on Friday, June 30, the date that Harvard desires, on condition that Yale names the date in '83 and '84, provided either the Thursday or Friday immediately following commencement day is named. President Bigelow said he had no authority to make this proposition binding on Yale's part, but that it would be submitted to a meeting of the Yale Navy, and if there approved, Harvard's Boat Club would be expected to ratify it, and the members of the present Harvard eight would be expected to sign it. It seems likely, therefore, that the date of the race this year will be June 30.


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