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EDITORS HARVARD HERALD : I fully agree with your correspondent on the subject of the freshman nine, and also have a word of advice to offer. It is about the selection of the umpire. We all know how hard it is to get an unprejudiced umpire. Any man who takes this position is liable to favor one side or the other, even if he is not personally interested. Often a decision of the umpire wins of loses the game. It is, therefore, of the greatest importance to the freshman nine that they get an umpire in their Yale games who is above the slightest suspicion of bias or prejudice. Every one knows that the umpiring of the freshman games at New Haven has been unsatisfactory, to say the least. The captain of the freshman nine should take care that no umpire but a professional is chosen, and, if possible, he should be chosen from New York, or from some place that is utterly unprejudiced. He ought to be a man who is not acquainted with either nine.

With your former correspondent, I say let the first game be at Cambridge, and besides let us be careful about the umpire.
