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Every day brings new evidence of the need of the Co-operative Association. The extortions of some of the tradesmen of Cambridge are shameful. They have flourished long enough on the outrages they have had the impudence to inflict on students, and now is the time to put an end to their extortions. We are glad to see that the Co-operative Association has determined not to start on a scale that would be too extensive, but we hope that they will gradually take means to free students as far as possible from purchasing any of the necessities from Cambridge merchants who charge a student two dollars for a dollar and a half article, just because an unkind Fortune has doomed that man to be a student. It is the duty of every man in college to become a member of the Co-operative Association by paying his subscription immediately, and to further assist the society in every way possible. Although we think that the cooperative union will be an undoubted success, it will have done much if it only has the effect of inspiring some wholesome fear into these people who chuckle to think of the ready victims they find in students.
