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EDITORS HARVARD HERALD: Some time since I addressed a communication to your paper in which I advocated the introduction of beer and ale at Memorial Hall. In your editorial of yesterday I see that you do not agree with me, and are fearful lest some case of excessive drinking should occur which would tend to injure Harvard in the opinion of outsiders. You say that a man could restrain his desire for drinking until he had crossed the yard to go to Adam's or Carl's. But the same thing could be said of the entire list of extras. It is not a question of what a man can do but what is most convenient for the men to do.

Your statement that if some one should so far forget himself as to drink to excess at the hall, and be seen by some of the frequent visitors, Harvard would not only be severely handled by those who are always on the alert to find some fault, but would even be seriously misjudged by the many who are unprejudiced. But could not the same thing be said of men drinking anywhere, and do you not virtually say that the only safety lies in total abstinence.

But I do not recognize for an instant the possibility of such an occurrence as a case of intoxication being seen at the hall. The character of Harvard men is too well known to even admit of such a thought. It would be useless for me to reiterate the arguments advanced in my former letter; they are well known to every one who has examined the subject. I think, too, that you decide rather hastily when you say, as if conclusively, that the corporation would veto any step in the direction proposed. That body, I feel sure, are quick to recognize what is best for the students with whose welfare they are concerned, and would at once see the many advantages that would result to both men and to the Dining Association.

H. M., '82.
