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The action of some members of the university in buying the tickets for the sports, presumably for speculative purposes, is severely and justly condemned. Many who had invited female friends to attend the games find themselves in a peculiarly embarrassing position, and for the sake of humanity we hope that the wishes they have expressed for the speculators may not be realized. The anger of those who find themselves thus disappointed in their plans is not to be wondered at. The instant that any amusement is announced that is probable to attract the fellows, some men put themselves on the alert to reap the greatest possible pecuniary advantage from the general enthusiasm. Every one is willing to help needy fellow-students, but would greatly prefer to do it in some other way. Let us have an end of this practice of "cornering;" we have seen the unpleasant results at the time of the Greek play, at concerts, and in the recent sale of tickets for the sports. We are charitable, but we do not believe that six hundred men should be inconvenienced for six. The way to prevent this is so apparent that we are surprised that it has not yet been adopted. A limited number of tickets ought to be sold to one person. Is this method so obscure that it has not yet presented itself to those who manage affairs?
