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The large attendance at the chapel services Sunday morning is a strong evidence that men are willing and anxious to attend church services when suitable inducements are offered. Who would willingly lose an opportunity to hear a sermon preached by such a man as Noah Porter? On the other hand, who cares about listening to a soporific discourse delivered by one Mr. Smith?

If some of the ill-spleened railers who love to carp at Harvard morals, some of those nice, good people who boast of having educated themselves, and never realize that they had a very poor teacher, if some of these would some time attend the college church services and observe the rapt attention with which Wendell Phillips and his colleagues are listened to, they would pause for a moment before trying to convince the world that college students are embryo Mephistopheles, and very minions of the lord of Hades let loose upon a lamb-like public, and going about seeking whom they may devour.
