It is expected that the Chinese bill will be acted upon today.
The Warre Bros., wine merchants, London, have failed for pound120,000.
There was a terrific storm of snow and rain in Minnesota and the Northwest yesterday.
Col. Geo. Bliss says that Conkling will decline the offer of associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.
The Senate committee on commerce has decided to report favorably on the Eads Tehuantepec ship railroad bill.
Russia has issued strict orders to prevent foreign correspondents from holding telegraphic communication with their papers.
A new vessel of war is much needed on the northern lakes, and it is proposed to expend $300,000 in constructing a suitable one.
Hon. John L. Thomas, Jr., late collector of port at Baltimore, was heard Saturday by the senate committee on civil service reform.
Special prayers and thanksgiving services were held in nearly all the churches and chapels of England yesterday, for the queen's escape from assassination.
The grand jury of Chicago has indicted all keepers of gambling houses and owners of property on which they are located. Among the owners are several prominent bankers.
The lost steamer City of Berlin has been found disabled 700 miles east of New York. She was towed into Boston harbor last night. Among the passengers is Schaefer, the billiardist.
An informal meeting of the members of Congress from the States which have suffered from the recent floods was held in Washington yesterday morning. It was resolved to ask for an additional appropriation of $400,000.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 6, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, light rains, followed by partly cloudy weather, southerly to westerly winds, lower barometer, rising temperature, followed by colder weather on Tuesday.
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