It is generally acknowledged among card players that few games possess the interest and advantage of "whist." Years ago whist clubs were among the most popular at college, but latterly they have either become insignificant, or have wholly disappeared. A few years ago an effort was made to organize a club, but with little success. It was proposed to have a regular club-room, with the proverbial tea served to players, and in short it was to be fashioned after the manner of the whist clubs so famous in London during the past century. The latter scheme was soon recognized as impracticable, for reasons that will readily be apparent. It seems, however, that there are enough ardent admirers of the game in college to establish some sort of an organization which we are sure would soon become popular, and if this were done it would be very easy to institute tournaments, to which players from other colleges could be invited, and in this way the interest be revived in one of the most excellent and improving games of cards.
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