Five more star-routers have been indicted.
The floods in the western part of Montreal have subsided.
The House will investigate the Chili-Peru affair on Monday.
The first publication of the tenth census has appeared in a volume of nearly 400 pages.
Secretary Frelinghuysen has sent a congratulatory telegram to Queen Victoria on behalf of the United States.
40,000 tickets are to be given to Chinese emigrants from Hong Kong upon the passage of the anti-Chinese bill.
An appropriation of $85,000 is asked to fit out an expedition for the the observation of the transit of Venus, Dec. 6, 1883.
The trustees of the Wesleyan Female College have decided to discontinue the institution, and return their charter to the Methodist conference.
Another Newark bank defalcation. S. H. Condict, a bank director, has been found guilty of aiding Cashier Baldwin to the amount of $600,000.
The score in the walking match at 2 this morning was: Hazael, 541; Fitzgerald, 519; Noremac, 501; Hart, 495, Hughes, 470: Sullivan, 468. Rowell retired about 5 o'clock yesterday morning.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 4; 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, cool and generally fair weather will continue during Saturday, with brisk north to west winds and stationary or rising barometer.
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