
H. A. A.


The audience of last evening at the gymnasium willingly adopted Mr. Wendell's suggestion to make up in enthusiasm what they lacked in numbers. Indeed, it might be called an audience of connoisseurs, - fit though few; there was a considerable sprinkling of ladies among the spectators, however, in spite of the unfavorable weather. The programme was principally a repetition of that of Saturday. Messrs. Denniston, Morison, Soren and Sturges took part in the Running High Jump, Mr. Sturges taking the place of Mr. Edmands, who was unavoidably absent. Denniston cleared the bar at 5 feet 6 1/4 inches, beating his previous record by one-half an inch.

An exhibition on the Horizontal Bar was then given by Messrs. Bachelder, Dabney, Denniston, Morison, Fay and Ripley. Mr. Bishop, who won the event of Saturday, was absent.

In the Pole Vaulting Soren took the place of Chase and Field, who were absent, and contested the event with Mandell, '84, the winner of Saturday's contest. A cup was offered for this event, provided the record of Saturday (9 feet 3/4 inch) were beaten. The bar was cleared at 8 feet 8 inches, but on being raised to 9 feet 4 inches it was broken and the trial abandoned.

Messrs. Bachelder, Dabney, Denniston, Morison, Ripley and Walker ('84) performed on the Flying Rings. The same evolutions as at Saturday's meeting were gone through with, Mr. Walker, in addition, showing some fine swinging.

Messrs. Soren, Morison, Denniston, Wells ('82), Coolidge and Ripley tried the Running High Kick, no result being declared.


In the contest for the cup in Rope Climbing between Messrs. Crane, '84, and Kaan, '83, tied at Saturday's meeting, Chase made 41 feet in 26 seconds.

Just after this event the Zunis, with Mr. Cushing, their interpreter, entered and took their seats among the spectators. The tumbling and the trapeze seemed to excite the most of their interest, although the sparring and fencing was closely and critically observed by them.

The Grotesque Tumbling of Saturday was repeated by Messrs. Swinscoe, '85, and Mr. Langdon of Union College, and excited much amusement.

The most anxiously awaited event of the evening was the final bout of the Middle Weight Sparring contest between Lee, '83, and Page, '83. Both men appeared in excellent trim, Page looking especially fine, but both seemed afraid of one another, and very few blows were given in this round. In the first bout of the second round Page received a heavy blow on the eye, after which both men warmed to their work. Lee succeeded in getting in some telling strokes. At one time, having shown a strong desire to "slug" one another, the men were promptly hissed. Page did very handsome work, but seemed desirous of striking low, so that he often exposed himself to his opponent. The prize was awarded to Lee.

Bachelder and Davis again performed successfully on the double trapeze.

An interesting and skilful contest in fencing between Henry and Leavitt followed. Henry won by 7 points to 6, disarming his opponent twice.

There were seven tumblers: Dabney, Fox, Denniston, Monson, Fay and Wells.

The tug-of-war was now pulled by Team No. 1, consisting of McArthur, Smith, Manning and Bradford (anchor), and Team No. 2, consisting of Bryant, Walker, Le Moyne and Codman (anchor). By request of the teams, the limit had been changed to five minutes, and President Wendell announced the expiration of each minute. At the first heave of No. 1 the ball went up and remained almost stationary until time was called. It was generally expected that No. 2 was saving itself for a mighty pull toward the last, after their opponents were somewhat "played," but no such thing happened, and No. 2 had an easy victory.

After the tug-of-war a very realistic mock exhibition of single combat was given by two of the Zuni warrior chiefs. They worked themselves up to a high pitch of excitement, but were immediately quieted on the interposition of the Zuni priest. The priest then recited an incantation, which was interpreted by Mr. Cushing, "May the spirit of the bow, the arrow, the shield, the spear - may the spirit of war set up-on you all." A religious dance was then given by three of the Indians, accompanied by the weird music of a chant and chorus. Three times three were then given for Mr. Cushing and the Zunis, and for Mr. Hemenway, the giver of the Gymnasium, and then the last of the winter meetings of the H. A. A. adjourned.

A large and handsome cup, the prize for the best general sparring of the series of contests, was awarded to Spaulding, '82.
