


Ruchdi Pasha, the Turkish statesman, is dead.

Russia has resumed her aggressive policy against the Nihilists.

John Stetson has leased the Fifth Avenue Theatre, New York.

A fire on Eighth street, New York, last night caused a loss of $22,000.

There is much demand for fractional currency from all parts of the country.


The Brooklyn bridge is to be lighted by a large number of electric lights.

The thermometer was eight degrees below zero at Littleton, N. H., Saturday morning.

The funeral services of Rear Admiral Scott took place at Washington yesterday afternoon.

The star routes west of the Mississippi river were recently let for another term of four years.

Strong, Caleb & Co.'s drug store on Superior street, Cleveland, O., was damaged $30,000 by fire last night.

A passenger train was telescoped near Knoxville, Tenn., yesterday. One man was killed and one badly injured.

A new Garfield Memorial Hospital Association is soon to be established and managed by prominent ladies of this country.

A large fire occurred in Richmond, Va., yesterday, involving a loss of over $500,000. Several large tobacco factories were burned.

In his sermon yesterday Beecher called the present Congress the "fool Congress," for cutting off the emigration of the Chinese, who he said were necessary to do the "vulgar" work.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 27, 1882 - 1 A. M. For New England, warmer, southeast to southwest winds, lower barometer, threatening weather and rain.
