


Rear-Admiral Scott, U. S. N., is said to be dying.

Fire at Ripon, Wis., destroyed $200,000 worth of property.

Eagan of Troy has gone into training for a fight with Sullivan.

Mrs. Grace Leacock died in Buffalo yesterday aged 100 years.

"Patience" had a brisk revival at Booth's Theatre last night.


In a railroad accident near Marden, Minn., yesterday, eight persons lost their lives.

The National Association of General Passenger Agents ended its session in New York yesterday.

A Turkish vesssel laden with dynamite and gunpowder has been captured by the authorities at Kertsch.

Laramie City is infested by incendiaries, and great terror prevails. Many of its best buildings have been destroyed.

The Garfield Club of New York are circulating petitions in Boston for the remission of Mason's sentence to imprisonment.

The Oxford University crew has arrived at Putney to practice on the Thames for the approaching race with the Cambridge crew.

President Arthur gave a complimentary dinner to General and Mrs. Grant in Washington last evening. Thirty-two guests were present.

The Secretary of War has issued instructions for the transportation of 100 hospital tents from Philadelphia to Vicksburg for the use of sufferers by the recent floods.

Phillip S. Van Rensselaer, a prominent citizen of New York, was found dead in his apartments at Hotel Brunswick yesterday morning. It is not known whether death resulted from accident or suicide.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 23, 1882 - 1 A. M. For New England, light snow, followed by clearing weather, stationary or slight fall in temperature, north-west to south-west winds, and higher barometer.
