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We are sorry to be compelled to again call attention to a fact which strengthens us in our conviction that the affairs of Memorial have been conducted in a most negligent manner. On all sides are heard the just complaints of men who at some time during this term have signed their names petitioning for an allowance for absence, in some cases temporary, in others permanent. These men are surprised, to say the least, to find that on their term-bills there is no credit for any rebate. Had this happened in only a few cases, we should have been inclined to regard it as a pardonable mistake, but so many men seem to have been served in this manner, that those who have the charge of such matters must expect to be severely censured by the whole association for gross negligence, or, what is just as bad, utter incapacity for the duties assigned to them. We would like to ask who would satisfy the claims of the aggrieved parties if the hall should be closed on the date assigned. Never before has there been occasion to mention any such a serious fault as this in the financial department of the association, and, with no desire to be severe or unjust, we ask that the matter be thoroughly examined. Once for all, now that the affairs of Memorial have thrust themselves upon us, let us remove all opportunities for future mistakes or negligence.
