


Queen Victoria's health is reported as rapidly failing.

The tariff bill was discussed in the Senate yesterday.

Ten more breaks are reported in the Mississippi.

The international exhibit at Buenos Ayres was opened on the 15th inst.

A rent collector and a police inspector were killed near Dublin Sunday.


Twelve hundred men have been frozen in by icebergs off the Newfoundland coast.

A fatal duel took place yesterday between two jealous women near Wilmington, N. C.

Prof. Cook, the New Jersey geologist, finds that the coast is gradually receding before the ocean waves.

Vol. 4 of the "Records of the Rebellion" has been sent to the printing office, and part of it is already on the press.

The Sultan yesterday asked the attendance of the dragoman of the American legation, and asked for information regarding the government of the United States.

At a meeting of the Dartmouth Base Ball Association yesterday, it was voted to send the nine on a trip during vacation. It is expected it will play with the Providence, Worcesters, and possibly the Bostons and Lowells.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 21, 1882 - 1 A.M. For New England, cloudy weather and rain, increasing northeast to southeast winds during the day, lower barometer and slight change in temperature.
