

The library was photographed yesterday.

Mr. Curtis Guild is confined to his residence by illness.

Morse, '81, is studying law at the Boston Law School.

Harvard Natural History Society meets tonight at 7.30.

Halford sauce has been added to the bill-of-fare at Memorial.


Our exchanges all approve heartily of the cooperative plan.

There will be a recitation in Chemistry 1 this week, on "Mercury.

The place between Boylston and the library will soon be repaired.

The section in Latin 6 was dismissed yesterday without a recitation.

Several of the recitation rooms were uncomfortably warm yesterday.

Mrs. Champs Eliza speaks of her son at Exeter as a perspective Harvard student.

The official programmes of Saturday's meeting were headed "First Winter Meeting."

Two letters on Harvard athletics appear in the current number of the Spirit of the Times.

In the games Saturday '83 won three events; '82, two events; '85 and the Law School, one each.

The 'Varsity Crew will probably repeat their last Saturday's rowing exhibition at the next meeting.

Rev. James Freeman Clark intends to start for Europe, May 1, to be absent during the summer.

Paul Shorey, '78, holder of the Kirkland Fellowship, is at present studying at Leipsig, Germany.

The matriculation list of the new Royal University of Ireland contains the names of nineteen girl students.

The '84 crew started out yesterday afternoon with seven men, but returned shortly for the missing man.

The members of French 5 are at present seriously occupied by the near approach of an hour examination.

The junior crew went out yesterday about 3 P.M., and after returning, Burch and Paul went out in a pair-oar.

The New York Metropolitans will present a set of silk colors to the college club making the best record against them.

There was a rehearsal of the Junior Pi Eta play last evening. The rehearsal this evening will begin at 7 o'clock sharp.

Miss Hautboy asked Snodkins Saturday if the large number of entries for the two-hand vault was the result of spring fever.

Captain Bancroft has been doing service of late as a coach, often going out with four and five crews during an afternoon.

Robinson had thirty men on the track yesterday. '82, '83 and '84 turned out very well, but there were very few men from'85. Robinson wants the freshmen to do better.

Judging from the freedom with which some people hitch their horses in front of the entrances to our halls, we wonder they don't take the animals inside and stable them in the entries.

The junior crew has been rowing as follows : Bow, Sessions; 2, Paul; 3. Keith; 4, Smith; 5, Coolidge; 6, Binney; 7, Burch; stroke, Hubbard.

The old float has been thoroughly repaired, almost renewed, and the bridges have all been put in position. Braces are being put between the bridges to the main float to prevent bobbing.

The entries for next Saturday, March 25, ladies' day, are running high jump; horizontal bar; double trapeze; tumbling; pole vaulting; flying rings; triple barred eschelle; rope climbing; hitch and kick; tug-of-war (winners at two previous meetings). A special general prize will be given to competitors in each of the following events : Running high jump; horizontal bar; flying rings.

Professor J. W. White will meet candidates for second-year honors in classics at Sever 30 this afternoon from 3.30 to 4.15. The general announcements concerning the honors will be made at 4 o'clock, and it is desirable that all persons concerned, not only those who have already determined to be candidates, but also those who are thinking of it, should be present at that time. Prof. White will answer special enquiries from 3.30 to 4.

FURNITURE. Parlor, chamber, dining-room, library and office furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.
