

Patti appears tonight in "La Traviata." It is said she will wear splendid jewels.

The enjoyable dinner last evening at Memorial was a gratifying instance of the general improvement in fare this term.

Meeting of the board of directors of Memorial today to consider the resolutions recommended by the committee of fifty.

F. W. Taussig, '79, and Dr. J. L. Laughlin have been appointed instructors in political economy for the ensuing academic year.

The Boston Herald persists in calling Mr. Soren Mr. Loren in its reports of the athletic games. This is an old trick on their part.


The Herald says that the end of the second week of practice for Harvard crews this season finds them in not much better shape than when they took their first row.

A prominent sporting man, present at Saturday's meeting, said that Mr. Heilbron's sparring was the finest thing he had ever seen among amateurs.

The Rev. Alexander T. Bowser, a graduate of the class of '77 and also of the Harvard Divinity School, was installed as pastor of the Church of the Unity, at Evansville, Indiana, March 14.

PARLOR BED. PAINE'S new parlor bed is very convenient. A number of very fine dressing case beds are now being placed in the warerooms at the manufactory, 141 Friend street, Boston.
