

The term at-Minnesota University closes today.

Billy, the postman, resumed his duties yesterday.

The hour of morning prayers at Amherst is now 8 A. M.

Very few upper classmen at Yale exercise in the gymnasium.

The last number of the Lasell Leaves contains a French column.


Williston, '82, has left college to accept an advantageous business offer.

Rooms for class day wanted in the yard. Address P., care HARVARD HERALD.

Prof. Everett of the Divinity School officiated in the chapel pulpit yesterday morning.

The debate in the Harvard Union tonight on the license question promises to be very interesting.

Moriarty's, the great resort of the Yale boys, had a narrow escape during the recent conflagration in New Haven.

The convention of the Intercollegiate Baseball Association occurs tomorrow at the Massasoit House, Springfield.

The News of Feb. 28 says : "The fire this morning was a big attraction." Boys get accustomed to that kind of excitement as they grow older.

The senior class committee announce that the subscription book for heliotype albums will be closed tonight and the result will be given tomorrow morning.

The annual oratorial contest of the Ohio colleges, Marietta, Oberlin, Wesleyan, Western Reserve and Wooster takes place today at the city hall in Delaware.

The New York Seventh Regiment will visit Boston on the 17th of June in response to an invitation from Governor Long and the Cadets. A cordial welcome is assured.
