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The directors of the Dining Association have made a great mistake in setting the time for closing the hall so early as March 22. It will be almost impossible to secure one hundred boarders before that time, whereas, if they had assigned a later date, permitting men to return after the spring vacation, all might go well yet. There are many students who intend to return to Memorial after the recess, but they cannot leave their present boarding-house at such short notice as is made necessary by the board of directors. There is another class of men who would return merely for the sake of saving the association from failure, provided that they could commence with the beginning of the next term, but they are hampered by the same restriction as the others - a lack of due notice. Another reason for postponing the date on which Memorial Hall shall be closed. The bill for board during the coming term is not payable until next October. This is another inducement to many students to board at the hall, but they cannot leave their present boarding-houses until the end of the term. In fact, several men had signified their intention of boarding at the hall next term for this very reason, until the decree of the directors was promulgated. The best remedy for the present state of affairs would be to call a special meeting of the directors, reconsider the motion assigning as the time for closure the last of this term, if it must take place, and asking those men who intend to board at the hall next term to hand in their names before the recess. If the required number of names is then handed in let the association go on as heretofore, if not, let it be suspended. It seems as if the association was not allowed a fair chance for existence by compelling it to suspend so near the close of a term. If the association suspends operations, even for a brief time, its credit will be injured so that it will never regain its former standing. There is not another institution of its kind and age in this country, perhaps not in the world. Its members can make it just what they wish it to be, provided they take an active interest in its affairs.
