

After the approaching marriage of Miss Jessie, the Vokes sisters will retire from the stage.

An English paper has been ordered by the court to publicly apologize to Mr. Irving for asserting that he once drugged the coffee of a pantomime actor in order that he might fill his place.

Ernest Harvier, the popular dramatic correspondent, has recently received scathing, and, in our opinion, well-deserved criticism for his sostyled "freshness."

John Payn, an English poet, will be the translator from the French of "Mille et Une Nuits," for Kiralfy brothers.

The London Philharmonic Society produced the ninth of Liszt's symphonic poems, entitled "Hungaria," for the first time in England on the 23d ult. The music describes a band of horsemen advancing across the "Pushta," or Hungarian prairie. They encounter the enemy and after a free fight a funeral march to the slain is introduced, followed by a joyous cry of victory in which a Hungarian national melody, already used by Herr Brahms, is employed.


Jenny Lind advises young American girls who wish to go abroad to study music to stay at home, where the music is just as good as in Europe, and where the husbands are much better.

Mr. A. M. Foerster of Pittsburg, has recently brought out a singular work of his own, an "Opera Without Words," to which the public was requested to supply both plot and text.

Edwin Booth will leave for England May 31st, and will probably appear in Germany supported by a Teutonic company.

Lotta denies that she is about to be married. She says that she does not approve of early marriages.

Several Philadelphia theatres will next season devote special matinees to the appearance of amateur actors.

A French paper remarks that Mr. Haverly owes much of his popularity to the excellent record that he made as a general in the Southern army.

On dit, that Miss Georgia Cayvan has had seven brilliant offers of marriage during her last appearance at New York.

Signor Rossi has declined the offer to appear at the Museum next month. He will go to Australia after his San Francisco engagement.

Mr. George Lyon, '81, will join one of the Madison-Square "Hazel Kirke" companies.

Another lease of life has been granted Booth's Theatre for a year. Mr. Stetson will manage the establishment.

Woolson Morse has nearly completed his new opera, the story of which is based on a Mother Goose nursery rhyme. It is to be called "Madame Piper."

A magnificent opera bouffe company will come to us from France next season. Capoul will be at the head of it.

Of Strauss' "Merry War," the Neue Freie Presse of Vienna says: "The music is like the fire from a mitrailleuse; one melody succeeds another, and each one has its effect on the audience. The great charm of the music is that, although heard over and over again, it remains always fresh and fascinating. The airs are now common property, and are whistled, sung and hummed by everybody; street musicians and military bands play them, and at every ball one hears lancers, quadrilles and polkas taken bodily from the 'Merry War.'" The opera was brought out at the New York Thalia last Monday evening.

Manager Mapleson tells the London Times that Americans want too much for their money.

Mrs. Langtry has won not her spurs exactly but her ribbons already on the stage. All the women of fashion in London are wearing caps modelled on one worn by her as Kate Hardcastle, with a quaint full border of lace. The last dramatic furor in caps was created by Ellen Terry when she played Olivia.

Bonfanti, who was black-haired, voluptuously pretty, and had eyes that almost spoke, fell in love, just when her success was greatest, with the petted scion of an aristocratic family - a young man with plenty of money and a social position that might well be envied. But he gave up all this for love of the Italian girl, and, despite the entreaties of his family and the certainty of social ostracism, married her, and took her from the stage.
