The Mississippi river yesterday showed the highest record of the season, but is now falling.
The Greek ministry has resigned. The king has summoned M. Tricoupis for the purpose, it is understood, of trusting him with the formation of a new ministry.
Despatches from New York state that the police of that city have discovered some important information relative to the murder of Harriet Bell, in Boston, which they are working up,
At a council of the Austrian and Hungarian ministers yesterday, Count Bylandt Rheydt, minister of war, announced the complete Austrian occupation of Crivoscia, and said he anticipated the speedy pacification of Herzegovina.
Mr. Edmunds has finally declined the vacancy on the Supreme Bench, it is understood, and Judge Blatchford of New York will probably be nominated in his place. Chief Justice Andrews is, however, still talked of.
Intelligence has been received at Panama of an appalling earthquake in Costa Rica. Advices thus far received state that four towns have been destroyed. These are Alajuela, San Ramon, Grecia and Kerdia. In Alajuela alone several thousand lives were lost. Those left alive there are homeless.
An old clerk in one of the departments at Washington, who had for a long time occupied a responsible position, died on Friday last. Saturday, while his body still lay unburied, a Western Congressman appeared at the department and demanded the place for one of his constituents.
A despatch from Denver says that Charles W. Stickney, who was acquitted of the murder of Campau on the ground of emotional insanity, has brought suit in the country court for a divorce from his wife, Nina Stickney. He has also brought suit against G. W. Kassler, administrator of the estate of M. T. Campau, for the recovery of the property conveyed by Campau to him for the benefit of his wife. The latter suit is brought for the benefit of Mrs. Stickney, and the real estate will become her property in case of recovery.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 14, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, warmer, partly cloudy weather, north-west to west winds, falling followed by rising barometer.
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