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A screaming Tiger, going about seeking whom it may devour, has made its appearance in the college world, starting out from the savage jungles of Princeton to seek its fortune. Lampy and the Ibis have each donned a roomy pair of boots, and now employ all their leisure industriously quaking in those boots for dread of him. He growls, he snarls, he meweth dainty verses, he screams in ferocious farces, - but will he bite? And can he withstand the seductive charms of a Barnum? For how can one little Tiger, however fierce and frantic he be, make a menagerie all by himself? Can a feather go off in a corner and flock alone by itself? But he is a strong Tiger and very, very fierce, and his claws are sharp, and they make very astonishing cuts in the wood. But perhaps the Tiger is only sharpening his claws. Who will cage this Tiger?
