"Scribbling anonymuncles" is what Mr. Wilde calls his defamers.
The seventeen government universities of Italy were attended by 11,000 students last year.
James Bryce, E. A. Freeman, W. W. Goodwin and G. Stanley Hall are among the annual lecturers this year at Johns Hopkins University.
There is a movement in Wisconsin to move the State capital to Milwaukee, and give the capitol buildings at Madison to the State University.
A party of seven undergraduate students at Keble College, Oxford, recently walked into the room of one of the most inoffensive of their fellow students, and cropped his hair so as to give him the appearance of a convict. - [London Truth.
The N. Y. Times thinks that the proportion of physicians to population in this country is one to five hundred, which means an average of eight or ten patients to every doctor. In consideration of these facts "the argument in favor of a higher standard of medical attainments is therefore one that concerns the welfare of the profession itself not less than it concerns the public. No better way can, perhaps, be proposed than that which it was the aim of the American Academy of Medicine to establish and foster, viz: a return to the ancient rule of four years' preparatory college training and three years in the medical school in place of the now almost universally prevalent two."
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