


Liverpool has a new cotton exchange.

Signor Giovanni Lauza, the Italian statesman, is dying.

The agricultural appropriation bill has been passed by the House.

The Bank of England has reduced its rate of interest to 4 per cent.

The entire detective force of Philadelphia has been disbanded by the mayor.


The Fourth National Bank of New York has lost $70,000 through a dishonest clerk.

John G. Saxe, the poet, contemplates going to Milwaukee this summer for his health.

A bill for the allotment of lands in severalty to the Indians has been submitted to the Senate.

The city council of Boston has offered $1000 reward for the arrest of the murderer of Mrs. Bell.

A bill for the election of post-masters by the people is being urged by some prominent Republicans.

Eighteen thousand persons have been made destitute by the floods in the State of Mississippi alone.

The employees of the government in Washington who work by the day are taking measures to secure the enforcement of the eight-hour law, and to recover pay for the extra two hours per day.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March 10, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, rain and snow, south-west to north-west winds, falling followed by rising barometer, and rising followed by a slight fall in temperature.
