

No Headline

There is a notice hung in the dormitories prohibiting peddlers and beggars to enter the buildings. The notice seems, however, to have little effect; every day some of these people come to the rooms and inflict upon the occupants a long description of the merits of their wares, or an account of a mother who has been unable to do any work for ten or twelve years, or else the beggar relates how he was disabled in a steamboat explosion, or some similar disaster. A man actually presented us a paper not long ago, which on careful examination we found to be the identical paper shown last year, in which a subscription was asked to enable the bearer to erect a tombstone to the memory of his loved sister. This class of people have looked upon students as legitimate prey. The notices have been posted to protect us from the intolerable nuisances, and somebody should see that the warnings are heeded. The janitors might make a wholesome example by handing one of these impostors over to the police. We feel sure that if the janitors would incommode themselves to such an extent as to relieve us in this matter we would extend to them our heartiest thanks. Of course it would inconvenience them somewhat, but we hope that for once they may sacrifice themselves a little.
