

Crimson out today.

Cut in History 11 yesterday.

German 1 will soon begin one of Freytag's novels.

Readers complain that the library is not properly heated.

Correspondents must remember to write on one side of the paper.


The sale of extra floor seats commences at 12 today in 14 Holworthy.

The marks were given out yesterday in Greek 7. The recitation was omitted.

Billy, the postman, has had a relapse, and will suspend work for some time.

What is it will lull your daily care? Harvard Daily Herald cigars, at Drury's.

Prof. White yesterday gave an interesting account of the Greek theatre to the section in Greek 2.

The vociferous match-boy has come again with the pleasant weather and his renewed effrontery.

Lessons in Italian 1, 2, 3, Spanish 1 and French 5, have been assigned for next week. See bulletin.

There were 213 graduates at the recent commencement of the Medical School of the University of New York.

There will be a rehearsal of the Pierian tonight at 7 o'clock. All who intend to take part in the concert must be present.

Tickets to the floor of the gymnasium for the two ladies' days will be for sale at 14 Holworthy today, between 12 and 1 o'clock.
