Hanlan is reported "out of shape."
Ten of the Russian regicides have been sentenced to death.
An inundation is threatened at Lake Providence, La., a large crevasse having occurred in the levee.
Malley's dry goods house in New Haven was burned yesterday. Loss $180,000. Insured for $160,000.
Thomas H. Bond, formerly pitcher of the Boston base ball team, signed yesterday with the Worcesters for the coming season.
Secretary Hunt recommends to Congress an appropriation of $85,000 to defray the expenses of the observation of the transit of Venus next year.
The present month has proved very disastrous to the Gloucester fishing fleet. Hope for the safety of four schooners has been abandoned.
Newton Case, of Hartford, Ct., has offered to give $100,000 for the library for the Hartford Theological Seminary provided an equal amount is raised.
A banquet will be given to Mr. Walker, the United States consul-general at Paris, and delegate to the monetary conference, at Rome by the Society of Political Economy.
In the Senate yesterday the House bill, a bill providing for the establishment of a colored normal school for the education of colored teachers, was passed. $100,000 is appropriated.
Rowell, in the walking match at Madison Square Garden, New York, is still ahead and has beaten the record. Hughes is pressing him hard for the lead, and Hart is still fresh. The score at 1.30 this morning stood as follows: Rowell, 260 miles; Hughes, 251; Hazael, 248; Hart, 219; Fitzgerald, 216; Sullivan, 215; Noremac, 200.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., March. 1, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, warmer, cloudy, rainy weather, southerly winds and lower pressure.
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