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The new athletic grounds of Yale are to be on the banks of West River, at a good elevation above tide water. Thirty acres have been purchased, the college authorities advancing one-half of the sum required, securing itself by a mortgage. It will have tennis, archery, cricket and foot-ball fields, and three base-ball fields, and under the bluff will be placed the rifle range. West River itself will be much improved for boating. The grounds will have shaded walks and drives, making a veritable park out of it. These are the coming delights of our sister at New Haven. Meanwhile Harvard is cramped for room in athletics in almost all respects. Her gymnasium already is too small, and the utmost economy of room and time has to be exercised by all in using Holmes and Jarvis. Moreover, as grounds they are far from beautiful and park-like. Will not some friend help put us on a level with Yale in this respect?
