Piracy is again becoming common in Chinese waters.
Many severe snow storms are predicted by Vennor for the first of March.
A fearful earthquake occurred recently in the district of Kanchon, China. Many lives were lost.
Ryan was badly whipped in the prize-fight at Mississippi City by Sullivan. Nine rounds were fought, and Ryan was badly punished, while Sullivan came out of the mill without a scratch.
Prof. Lewis Swift, director of the Warner Astronomical Observatory, of Rochester, received yesterday the announcement that he had been awarded by the Academy of Sciences of Paris, the Lelande astronomy prize.
Rev. Daniel F. Richardson, of Hanover, N. H., died of paralysis yesterday, aged about 70. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1831, Andover Theological Seminary in 1834, and was professor of Latin and Greek at Wake Forrest College, North Carolina, from 1834 to 1839.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 8, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, rainy, followed by clearing weather, warm, southwest veering to northwest winds, falling, followed by rising, barometer.
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