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At a meeting of the directors of Memorial Hall yesterday the following resolutions were passed:

Voted That as the auditor's accounts have been fully and carefully examined and found to be substantially accurate, except the mistake in applying the reserve fund for repairs, losses, etc., to the reduction of the price of board for October and November; that any lack of confidence in the financial management of the hall is not warranted by the facts of the case.

Voted, That in the opinion of the directors the increase in the price of board over that of last year is mainly due to the decrease in the membership of the association, rather than to the increase in the cost of provisions.

Voted, That in view of the decrease in the membership of the association, and consequent increase in the price of board, the directors direct the steward not to allow the price of board per week to exceed five dollars, and that they request the corporation to guarantee that the price shall not exceed that sum, and, moreover, to guarantee that when the membership of the association shall reach 450 men the price of board shall not exceed $4.75, and that if the membership reaches 600 the price shall not exceed $4.50.

Voted, That in the opinion of the board, compliance with the above requests will not necessitate the slightest deterioration in the present excellent quality of board, as the fixed expenses of running the hall would then be divided among a large number of members, and give more money for the purchase of provisions.


The average price of board per week for the months of October, November and December was $5.01.
