

Princeton wants an illustrated paper.

The attendance at the chapel was very small Sunday.

The shovel brigade began work on the snow yesterday.

Polo in the skating rink seems to be very popular at Yale.

There are about a dozen applicants for the Princeton crew.


Columbia School of Mines is to have a paper entitled the Miner.

All the waiters and cooks at Memorial were vaccinated yesterday.

Breakfast at Memorial Hall lasted until ten o'clock Sunday morning.

The faculty at Williams have decided not to allow the nine to join the league.

Most of the societies have omitted their regular meetings until after the mid-years.

Snow slides are getting to be of too frequent occurrence for bodily comfort and safety.

President Carter, of Williams, has just purchased a tract of land on which he will erect a large dormitory.

A prominent middler has made a discovery in Greek. He has found a present condition in past time. - [Ex.

The Phi. B. K. Society proposes to establish a travelling fellowship, open to the competition of all American scholars.

It has cost the Union Railway Company $12,000 to keep the track clear since the big snow storm of Saturday.
