

J. H. Haverly, it is rumored, will build a new theatre on Tremont street.

Miss Sadie Martinot will leave the Museum at the end of the season.

The Rankins have a new play, "Piety Flat," written by a Philadelphia journalist.

A new play, a travesty upon official life at Washington, is to be produced by the Vokes family.

Sydney Clifford, an Australian actor, will soon appear at Horticultural Hall in "Richelieu" and "Othello."


The Paris courts have decided that handorgans have no right to play copy-righted compositions.

A New York self-styled critic speaks of that "stupid old farce, 'She Stoops to Conquer.'"

Sullivan, the composer, is travelling in Egypt for his health.

When an old actor saw Mr. Riddle's intelligent performance, he said, referring to his college training, "Here one can see the enormous advantage of education to an actor."

The Prince of Wales is a frequent visitor of the theatres.

Italian theatres find it difficult to secure enough patronage to pay expenses.

Mr. Boucicault's new play, "Suil-a-Mor," was produced for the first time, at the Museum last night.

Tompkins & Hill, it is said, have made sixty thousand dollars on "Michael Strogoff."

In the opinion of many critics Mary Anderson is losing both power and ease as an actress.

A noted manager says that five hundred plays were given to him for examination in the past twelve months, of which plays he accepted one.

The Yale Glee Club appear at Tremont Temple the latter part of this month.

Mr. Carl Rosa has shown his partiality for American singers by giving Miss Lilian Larne the part of Carmen, in his London opera season. Miss Larne is a Southern girl.

Mme. Gerster and Mme. Patti will sing together, in opera, at Mechanics' Hall, in April.

The French government has interdicted the production of "Lohengrin," in German, at Paris.

The latter part of this month there will be in New York, at the same time, the Mapleson, the Strakosch and the Patti opera companies.

The new comic opera, "L' Afrique," by a St. Louis composer, is pronounced very poor by New York critics.

Brahm's new piano-forte concerto was coldly received in Leipzig.

Michael Banner, the great violinist, is from Cincinnati, and is only twelve years old. He is regarded as a prodigy.

The Boston Ideal Company will soon appear at one of the "home" theatres.

Mrs. Langtry does not wish to come to America. She is an assured success at the Haymarket.

A son of Signor Salvini has become a member of the Union-square Theatre.

There are five "Madison-square Theatre Hazel Kirke" Companies now on the road.

The directors of the Theatre Francais and Odeon have been heavily fined for allowing chairs to be placed in the aisles.

"The Colonel" is still attracting fashionable audiences at New York.

The third orchestral concert of the Harvard Musical Association will be given next Thursday afternoon at the Museum.

Mr. Ince, the excellent French correspondent of the "Michael Strogoff" Company, has been engaged by Boucicault to play Freeney in "Arrah-na-Pogue," and Harvey Duff in "Shaughraun."

The czar has conferred an order on an actor. This is the first time the Russian stage has been so honored.

Mrs. Gen. Sherman has presented Mary Anderson with a valuable antique candlestick to carry in the sleep-walking scene in "Macbeth."

Anna Dickinson's Hamlet and Melnotte did not please Chicago critics.

On the approaching anniversary of Shakspere's birthday, a series of fourteen performances will be given in the Memorial Theatre, at Stratford-on-Avon.
