


Guiteau thinks that his autograph-photograph should sell for $9 per dozen.

Slosson defeated Vigneaux in the recent international billiard match in Paris.

Arrangements are being made for the building of a new Christian church in Washington.

Great uneasiness prevails at Limerick on account of ill-feeling existing between citizens and the military.

It is thought that Scoville has given up all hope of getting a new trial, and will not file a bill of exceptions.


The recent heavy snow storm throughout New England has greatly impeded travel, and caused many disasters at sea.

Rev. T. De Witt Talmage delivered his fourth reply to Bob Ingersoll in the Tabernacle at Brooklyn, N. Y., yesterday.

A number of Congressmen, with New York and Philadelphia capitalists, intend building a casino in Washington similar to Delmonico's.

District-Attorney Corkhill says that Guiteau will never appear in a court room again, and that his next appearance in public will be on the scaffold.

It is believed that the German government will not adhere to any arrangement for the adoption of a bi-metallic standard, without the concurrence of England.

It is claimed that the appropriation for the life-saving service is very inadequate to its legitimate needs, and a prominent Republican of the House promises to remedy the evil.

A large barrel factory owned by C. B. Brock & Co., in Jersey City, N. J., burned yesterday morning. Other buildings in the vicinity were burned and damaged, so that the loss amounts to $200,000.

One interesting fact concerning the jurors in the Guiteau trial has leaked out. It appears that they amused themselves during their idle moments playing cards, seven-up and poker being their favorite games.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 6, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, winds mostly westerly, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
