

The Dartmouth nine will go into training in a few days.

Concert of the Yale Glee Club this evening at New Haven.

The appointments to Phi Beta Kappa have been made at Amherst.

The juniors' promenade at Yale will take place tomorrow evening.

A Greek play, sabled, is promised at a New York minstrel theatre.


Several sophomores at Yale recently received marks for throwing snow-balls.

A petition has been started to have the examination in Philosophy I. postponed until midyears are over.

It is reported that the Greek play has proved a successful venture, and that the managers will realize a handsome profit.

A party of Williams students made so much noise at an entertainment recently that the police had to be called in.

The men of the elective in English 2 were given three hours and a half for their examination last Saturday. They had need of the time.

About thirty students from the Institute of Technology are on a five days' trip through the leading machine shops of Massachusetts and Connecticut.

The Jefferson public school building, the finest school in Washington, was burned Saturday morning. The building accommodated 1600 pupils. Loss, over $100,000.

FURNITURE. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, Library and Office Furniture. An immense stock in the warerooms of PAINE'S manufactory, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston & Maine depot.

This evening the members of the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium will give a competitive exhibition of calisthenics. Six silver goblets will be offered as prizes. Prof. Roberts, assisted by several experts, will give an exposition of fancy gymnastics.

There was a young fellow named Wilde,
