All of the Boston theatres announce changes for next week excepting one, the Gaiety. At the Boston, Denman Thompson's last week in "Josh Whitcomb" is announced. He has had an unusually successful run, and has played to crowded houses nearly every night of his engagement.
At the Park, the brilliant actress, Madame Janauschek, is announced. Her reputation as an actress is too well known to call for any comment in our columns. On Monday and Saturday evenings, she appears in "Mary Stuart;" Tuesday and Thursday, in "Bleak House;" on Wednesday evening and at the Saturday matinee, in "Mother and Son;" and Friday evening, "Deborah."
The Hanlon Brothers will appear at the Globe in "Une Voyage en Suisse."
The Henri Laurent and Blanche Corelli troupe continue their successful run at the Gaiety in "Patience."
At the Museum, Boucicault will present for the first time in America his new play, "Suil-a-Mor." This play is the one that created such a sensation in London, when produced there, on account of its political allusions. It is called Boucicault's best.
At the Windsor, Harry Miner's "Comedy Four" combination.
At the Howard, the burlesque, "Mike Strogoff."
Modjeska appears in New York city in October next, under the management of John Stetson.
Lilian Russell has made a great hit in New York. It is rumored that she will soon visit Boston.
An operetta, entitled "All on a Summer's Day," - words by Henry G. Paine, a graduate of Columbia, class of '80 - is in rehearsal, and will be given in Chickering Hall, New York, February 9 and 14, and on the 17th, for the benefit of the Columbia College Boat Club.
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