

The seniors at Princeton have taken up physical geography, under the instruction of Prof. Guyot.

They had reached the well-known paragraph where OEdipus exclaims: "O city, city!" and an unprepared junior was called up. In the emergency he replied: "Here we have an example of a word in English taken almost without change from the Greek. OEdipus being in desperate circumstances called loudly, "Police! Police!" The professor fainted and his condition is still critical. - [College Cabinet.

The students' government at the Illinois Industrial, Champaign, Ill., is a novelty. The members of three governmental departments, executive, judicial and legislative, are chosen by the students. The actions of the students are entirely subject to the control of this government. A paid marshal is employed, invested with the power to arrest; two justices with the power to try, and two attorneys with the power to prosecute. A senate, composed of twenty-one members enacts the necessary laws. Such an institution creates an air of independence, a feeling of responsibility, and serves as an excellent school. - [Era.

The Knox Student proposes a plan for an inter-collegiate bulletin. We quote: "The plan we propose is an exceedingly simple one. Each college sends us items of the inter-collegiate interest. We collect these items, and each week send a printed bulletin to all colleges which furnish items. We propose this plan because we believe it practicable. Several Eastern college journals have tried to organize such an association and have failed. To avoid failure we offer to do all the work. We would also suggest the advisability of holding a convention of college editors at Indianapolis next May, during the inter-state contest in oratory."
