

The marks in French 1 were very low.

There was a cut in Freshman Algebra yesterday.

The Yale News is taking many exchanges off its mail list.

We are pleased to notice the improvement in Memorial fare.

The new editorial board of the Yale Record will be announced today.


"The Collegians," a poem in fourteen cantos, is a recent English publication.

Mr. W. S. Kennedy, formerly of the Divinity School, has a poem, "Shadows," in the March Harper.

The Lafayette freshmen have apologized to the faculty for the recent rush. Two have been suspended.

A manufacturer called his bicycle the "Star," and it has been Saturn by the bicycling fraternity ever since. - [Ex.

Tombstone, Arizona, is growing so rapidly that they soon expect to be big enough to change its name to Sarcophagus. - [Post.

First college paper was published in 1800 in Dartmouth and called The Gazette, and contained in 1802 articles by Daniel Webster signed "Icarus." - [Tablet.

Today at 2 o'clock the annual convention of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association takes place at the Fifth-avenue Hotel, New York city. President, W. J. Badger of Yale; secretary, Alexander Harvey of Columbia.

Precocious children - "I know," said the little girl to her elder sister's young man at the supper table, "that you will join in our society for the protection of little birds, because mamma says you are very fond of larks." - [Philadelphia Bulletin.

Here is an item that reaches us, all the way from England: "Women have won another victory in America. In future, they will be admitted to the medical course at Harvard College." So says the London Graphic, and the Graphic ought to know.

Several hundred students in Belfast recently held a funeral over "Queen's" University of Ireland, which has been reorganized as the Royal University. There was a procession with a coffin holding a B. A. and an M. A. gown, and a tearful oration closed the ceremonies.

The Institute Building track is in charge of J. S. Prince, who has a large stock of bicycles and tricycles in active service every afternoon for patrons to learn and practice on, and many avail themselves of so excellent an opportunity to use the best in-door track in the world. The scrub races there Wednesday afternoon were largely enjoyed by wheelmen and others. [Bicycling World.

MANTEL MIRRORS. - This branch of manufacturing is now carried on extensively in Boston at PAINE'S. They also are importers of gilt and bronze frames from Italy and France. Some very fine heavy carved frames in Florentine gold leaf have been put in their ware-rooms on Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.
