The Senate has passed the bill retiring Gen. Grant.
Dr. Carver lost a shooting match for pound1000 yesterday.
The Western floods are subsiding, but their effects have been very disastrous.
In the Boston Common Council yesterday, thirty-three first assistant assessors were elected.
A reception was tendered President Eliot last evening by the University Club of Philadelphia.
Elevated railroads were discussed in the legislature yesterday, and Captain Meigs explained his system.
The Readjuster caucus nominees for State auditor and railroad commissioner in Virginia were elected.
Rapid preparations for rebuilding are being made at Haverhill, and insurance claims are being adjusted and paid.
There was almost a panic on the New York stock exchange yesterday. Richmond and Danville fell off 89 points.
Five men were killed by a boiler explosion at New Carlisle, O., and four men from the same cause in St. Louis, yesterday.
In the House the postal appropriation bill was considered. Both houses passed a bill appropriating $100,000 for the relief of sufferers by the late Western floods.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 24, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, clearing weather, northwesterly winds, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure.
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