


The evening editions of the Boston Herald will be suspended today.

The Jardin Mabille in Paris has been sold, and is to be entirely demolished.

Two feet of snow fell in Montreal yesterday, and at 10 o'clock last night it was still snowing furiously.

The Amoskeag Veterans' ball took place in Smyth's Opera House, Manchester, N. H., last evening. The affair was of great brilliancy, and many noted guests were present.

Mardi Gras was fully observed in New Orleans yesterday. Immense crowds, and among them many maskers, gathered to witness the procession, which was two miles long.


A general relief committee has been organized in Haverhill, and earnest efforts are being made to resume business immediately. The donations and subscriptions up to last evening amounted to $6,205.

There was great excitement on Wall street, New York, yesterday. Almost a panic took place within ten minutes of the close of the exchange. Louisville and Nashville stock declines 12 per cent.

Three Williston Seminary students at East-hampton, Daniel T. Pratt of Elmira, N. Y., Samuel M. Bevins of East Hampton, Ct., and Judson S. Dutcher of Ellenville, N. Y., were arrested yesterday for recently assaulting and abducting a schoolmate named Dueing.

Immense damage is being caused by freshets in the West. The Ohio river is now higher than it has been since the great flood of 1847. All freight business is practically suspended, and fears are entertained that the track of the Cincinnati and Baltimore Railroad will be seriously injured. There has been great injury to property in Cincinnati and throughout the West.

The sixteenth anniversary of the Harvard Club of New York took place at Delmonico's last evening. A fine banquet was served, at which 150 members were present. The officers for 1882 are: Francis W. Weld, president; W. S. Smith, secretary, and F. Frank Brownell, treasurer. President Arthur, Secretary of War Lincoln and Senator Hawley were expected, but sent letters in which they regretted their inability to attend. Oliver Wendell Holmes sent a sonnet, and Longfellow, Whittier and President Eliot sent letters of regret. President Eliot was fined eleven cents for not attending the meeting.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 22, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, snow, followed by clearing weather, northwesterly winds, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure.
