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In the pages devoted to Harvard College, in the article on Cambridge, in the "History of Middlesex County," by S. A. Drake, we learn, among other things, that "in 1786 a college uniform was prescribed for the students with particulars of form and color and a system of distinctions for classes by means of 'frogs' on the cuffs and around the button-holes. The wearing of this uniform was compulsory, and the regulation continued in force, without modifications, for a number of years." Some of the college rules may be of interest to undergraduates. For example: "No freshman shall wear his hat in the college yard, unless it rains, hails or snows, provided be be on foot, and have not both hands full." "No undergraduate shall wear his hat in the college yard when any of the governors of the college are there; and no bachelor shall wear his hat when the president is there." "Freshmen are to consider all the other classes as their seniors." "No freshman shall speak to a senior with his hat on; or have it on in a senior's chamber, or in his own if a senior be there." "When any person knocks at a freshman's door, except in studying time, he shall immediately open the door, without inquiring who is there." "The freshmen shall furnish bats, balls and foot-balls for the use of the students, to be kept at the battery."
