


The Sprague divorce case will soon be settled.

The defence of Sergt. Mason will be insanity.

The House has passed the Japanese indemnity bill.

Great damage is being done in the West by the floods.

Tammany senators yesterday voted with the Republicans.


Senator Edmunds will be offered the vacant position on the Supreme Bench.

Presentments have been made by the grand jury against the star route thieves.

The Allans are confident that their ship Sardinian, now over-due, will arrive all right.

President Arthur will not attend the dinner of the New York Harvard Club tomorrow night.

There was lively discussion in the Senate yesterday over the bill to place Gen. Grant on the retired list.

Friday, Chas. W. Stickney, '76, at present being tried in Denver for manslaughter, attacked in the court room the opposing counsel, Mr. Jerome.

English holders of Virginia bonds intend to contest in the courts the validity of recent acts of the general assembly in the settlement of State debts.

The committee of the national library recommend the appropriation of $200,000 for the purchase of the Rochambeau papers relating to the Revolutionary War.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 21, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, warmer, cloudy, rainy weather, easterly, veering to southwest winds, and lower pressure.
