Ecclesiastical History. Special subject: Scholastic Theology: "Anselm to Aquinas." Mr. J. H. Allen, Divinity Hall lecture room, 12 M.
Physical Training. Special subject: "Exercise." Prof. Sargent, Hemenway Gymnasium meeting-room, 2 P. M.
English Literature. Special subject: "The English Novel" - continued. Mr. Perry, Sever 11, 3 P. M.
Latin Readings. "Sallust's Cataline." Prof. Allen, Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.
Scientific Faculty. Meeting at University 5 at 7.30 P. M.
SENIOR FORENSICS.Subjects for third Forensic: Has the progress of the arts and sciences contributed to corrupt or purify morals? Are there any other differences between prose and poetry than those of rhythm and meter? Ought members of the Cabinet to be responsible to Congress? Give Burke's argument in his speech on American Taxation (Burke's Works, Vol. II.) Section 1, today; Section 2, Feb. 28; Section 3, March 7; Section 4, March 14.
JUNIOR THEMES.Mr. Drennan's Section. Theme III. Subjects: 1. Milton's Prose and Poetry compared; 2. The Effect of Newspapers upon the English Language; 3. An Abridgement of Burke's Speech on the Conciliation of America; 4. The Story of Major Andre.
Mr. Gummere's Section. Theme III. Subjects: 1. Influence of Immigration on our National Character; 2. Would it have been a good thing for England if Harold had conquered William in 1066, and so preserved the Saxon power? 3. A comparison of Shakspere's "Antony and Cleopatra" with Dryden's play on the same subject, "All for Love;" 4. The Choice of a Profession; 5. Shall we employ Chinese labor?
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