Sullivan gave a sparring exhibition in Cincinnati Saturday night.
At Bellevue, Mich., Saturday, sixteen houses were destroyed by fire.
The high school building at Bangor, Me., was burned Saturday night.
Gen. Schultz crossed the Russian frontier yesterday en route for Siberia.
By the will of the late Rev. H. W. Bellows, all his property is left to his widow.
A kind of Credit Mobilier, with a capital of f. 100,000,000, is being formed in Paris.
Mayor Harrison of Chicago is making war on the gamblers and sporting men of that city.
The loss caused by fire at Haverhill Saturday morning will probably be about $2,000,000.
Col. Bliss, leader in the star-route prosecutions, promises to show some good results of his work soon.
A fleet of oyster pirates, consisting of twenty well-armed vessels, has been captured off the coast of Virginia.
Petitions for the abolition of the tax on bank deposits and stamps on bank checks have been presented to Congress.
Sir Henry Parkes of New South Wales was the guest of the Lotus Club in New York Saturday night. He was welcomed by Whitelaw Reid, president of the club.
Guiteau is anxious to get out of prison, and has offered his note for $5000 to lawyer Reed and several others if they will effect his release. He thinks he could make $50,000 next winter by lecturing, and claims to have an offer from Boston of $500 a night for six nights. There is a great demand for the official report of the trial.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 20, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, rain or snow, followed by clearing weather, southerly, veering to north-west winds, stationary or higher temperature, followed by rising barometer.
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