

Lane, '83, is trying for his class crew.

Next Wednesday is a holiday at Wellesley.

Dartmouth students want Oscar to visit them.

Wellesley College is talking of having a $400 concert.

Washington's birthday is observed at Dartmouth.


The Yale News will publish its new board of editors today.

Tickets for the Yale Glee Club concert are for sale at Amees'.

There will be a Glee Club rehearsal at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

The fourth number of the Harvard University Bulletin has been issued.

Only one man has been expelled from Boston University in eight years.

Blodgett's tug-of-war team will consist of McArthur, Delaney and Dabney.

Marks in Greek 3 were given out Saturday, and were generally very satisfactory.

The last symphony concert of the Sanders Theatre course will be given March 1.

Mr. Ernest Perrin, '82, has been unanimously elected pianist of the Pierian Sodality.

Mr. Buchman, formerly of '83, and coxswain of last year's crew, spent Sunday in Cambridge.

The use of the library during the first four months of the current year is ten per cent greater than for the corresponding period last year.

First fresh: "Are you going to "Hazel Kirke." Second fresh: "I don't know, is there to be a matinee this evening?" (Fact). - [Yale.

Tutor in German: "No, that is wholly wrong. Well, translate the next stanza." Student (translating): "I have failed. Mark me well if thou canst." - [Yale.

Pierian. Last rehearsal for the coffee party will take place tonight at 7.30. All those intending to play at the coffee party must be present at this rehearsal.

There has been formed among the seniors an Anti-Pun Society, and it costs a man five cents to get funny. The proceeds are to go for a supper of the society as soon as all the members are dead broke. - [Dartmouth.

The annual dinner of the Crimson took place Friday night at Young's Hotel. A speech was made by Prof. A. S. Hill in response to the toast of "Our Alma Mater," and by Prof. Lanman and Mr. J. L. Bangs of the Acta Columbiana.

Wanted - A Harvard student familiar with college preparatory work to hear four recitations a day in advanced classics in a high school. Graduate of Exeter preferred. Salary, sixty dollars per month. Address 997, Westfield, Mass.

Drury has a new brand of cigars, manufactured expressly to his order, of "Vuelta Abajo" pure Havana stock. The brand is christened "The Harvard Daily Herald." The quality is very fine and a large sale is insured, and we heartily recommend them to all.

A free course of six gallery lectures will be given by the curator of the Peabody Museum on Thursdays, from 3 to 4 o'clock. Subjects for future lectures: March 2d, "Pottery from the Mounds;" 9th, "The Pueblos and Cliff-houses;" 16th, "Mexico and Central America;" 23d, "South America;" 30th, "Ancient Peruvian Art." Tickets for the course may be had at the museum, Divinity avenue, either by personal application or by mail.

The demonstration of the Harvard students against Oscar Wilde at his Boston lecture is attributed to his "manager," who cunningly put them up to the trick without their knowing that he was at the bottom of it. The newspapers were also informed of the demonstration beforehand which insured a big audience. The game his manager will play to secure an audience in Detroit will probably not be known until after he has come and gone. He does not play the same one in any two places. - [Detroit Free Press.

FURNITURE. The largest assortment of Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Suits ever offered in Boston is now being placed in Paine's Warerooms, 48 Canal street, opposite Boston and Maine depot.
