

Lane, '83, is trying for his class crew.

Next Wednesday is a holiday at Wellesley.

Dartmouth students want Oscar to visit them.

Wellesley College is talking of having a $400 concert.

Washington's birthday is observed at Dartmouth.


The Yale News will publish its new board of editors today.

Tickets for the Yale Glee Club concert are for sale at Amees'.

There will be a Glee Club rehearsal at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

The fourth number of the Harvard University Bulletin has been issued.

Only one man has been expelled from Boston University in eight years.

Blodgett's tug-of-war team will consist of McArthur, Delaney and Dabney.

Marks in Greek 3 were given out Saturday, and were generally very satisfactory.

The last symphony concert of the Sanders Theatre course will be given March 1.

Mr. Ernest Perrin, '82, has been unanimously elected pianist of the Pierian Sodality.

Mr. Buchman, formerly of '83, and coxswain of last year's crew, spent Sunday in Cambridge.
