


The 3 per cent bond bill was discussed in the Senate yesterday.

Roscoe Conkling is spoken of as a possible candidate for governor of New York next fall.

In the House yesterday a resolution was adopted setting apart Monday, Feb. 27, 1882, for the memorial services upon Garfield.

Drexel & Co. yesterday sent a check for $6,767,766.75 to the Pennsylvania State treasury to pay for bonds recently bid for by that firm.

In the Senate yesterday Mr. Hawley presented a petition from the president, faculty and students of Yale College, praying for a reform in the civil service.


The judiciary committee of the house of delegates of Virginia reported adversely upon a proposition for the abolition of the whipping post in Virginia.

The reduction of the public debt during the month of January amounted to $12,978,836.36. The total debt of the United States is now below $2,000,000,000.

A meeting was held in London yesterday to protest against the outrages committed upon the Jews in Russia. A large meeting for the same purpose was held in New York last evening.

The receipts for the land league fund for the week ending Jan. 31, acknowledged by the Irish World, amount to $17,563.90, the largest amount received in a single week.

Twenty-three new cases of small-pox in Pittsburg and ten in Alleghany were reported yesterday. During January there were 293 cases and 70 deaths in the latter city.

The local option movement in Virginia is assuming formidable proportions, and is creating serious alarm in certain political circles. The question will be made an important issue in the November election.

The special committee appointed to investigate the causes which led to the railroad accident at Spuyten Duyvil held a meeting yesterday afternoon, and commenced their work by examining General Superintendent Toucey, of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad.

A friend of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln denies the reports that she is nearly poverty-stricken. She has $55,000, besides her pension of $3,000 per year. He says her mind is completely wrecked, and she is insane on the question of poverty.

The will of the late Edwin W. Stoughton, the well known lawyer and late United States minister to Russia, has been offered for probate. He leaves to the trustees of the medical school connected with Dartmouth College $2000, to complete a collection in the pathological museum founded by him.

In the New York stock market yesterday the general list was strong and firm throughout, and there is no disposition to sell stocks at present prices. The news from abroad represents the situation there as greatly improved, and the foreign houses state that the Paris bourse has undoubtedly seen the worst of its troubles for the present.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 5, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, clearing weather, winds mostly westerly, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
