At the Globe next Monday the Ideal Patience Company enter upon a return engagement. The company played a very successful engagment a few weeks ago, and while their performance is hardly an ideal one it is very fair.
Miss Anderson enters upon the last week at the Boston Theatre. It is useless to criticise the acting of this lady, for there is a great diversity of opinion in the matter. The audiences have been very large and enthusiastic. The full programme for the week is not yet decided. Monday she will appear in Mr. Gilbert's charming comedy of "Pygmalion and Galatea." Wednesday matinee, "Ingomar."
At the Park Mr. and Mrs. McKee Rankin, Kittie Blanchard, will present their well-worn but still popular play of "The Danites."
A gala revival of popular comedies will be the attraction at the Museum for probably some time. The coming week the audience will be served with "The Silver Spoon," with Mr. Warren in his excellent personation of Jefferson Scattering Batkins.
At the Windsor, the popular comedian, Joe Murphy, will present Kerry Gow, a very good comedy drawn of Irish life.
Sydney Clifford, an Australian actor, will appear at the Gaiety in "Othello" and "Richelieu." He will be supported by Miss Edith Stanmore.
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