Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., has an endowment of $275,000.
The Darthmouth freshmen always go over the line for their class suppers. This year they go as usual to Montreal. - [News.
C. W. West of Cincinnati, after having given $150,000 for a new art museum for the city, now adds $100,000 more to that gift.
The examination in the first class for the mathematical tripos at Cambridge University lasts for nine days, six hours each day. And yet complaint is made of the hardships endured under the examination system in America!
The Winchester Repeating Arms Company has nearly completed a large building, 400 feet long by 40 feet wide, to be used exclusively for the manufacture of metallic cartridges. The space now occupied by the ammunition department will be wholly devoted to the manufacture of guns.
Berthold Auerbach, the noted German novelist, recently died in Cannes, France. He was of Jewish birth. He wrote several semi-historical works in his younger years and translated "Spinoza" into German, besides writing a biography of that philosopher. But his novels gained him his chief fame. He was always a zealous advocate of the cause of education.
An undergraduate, under examination at London, was missing question after question. At last, the examiner got irritated, and said: " I declare, I've got a dog at home that could answer the questions that have been given to you." "Have you really, sir?" said the undergraduate, blandly. "May I ask if you would sell him?" - [Ex.] The above item appears to lack point. But it bears an English trademark and so we are quite sure it is "good form."
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