

[From Our Regular Correspondent.]


Examinations have come and gone, and the fortunate ones who have "crusted" the Profs. in the various studies may be seen at any hour celebrating their success. Next week President Angell, accompanied by his family, returns from China where he has been discharging the duties of United States Minister for the last two years. Preparations have been made by faculty and students for his reception, but as yet Dame Rumor is responsible for such details as are known to any save the favored few. The knowing ones announce that Prexie will be met at Detroit by acting President Frieze and the deans of the various departments of the university, together with the presidents and marshals of the various classes in each department, and escorted to Ann Arbor. On arriving at the station he will be greeted by the remainder of the faculty and the students, the latter arranged by departments and classes and under the marshalship of Longie Jones, assistant professor of mathematics, whose commanding statue, six feet, five and one-half inches, renders him peculiarly fitted for this part. The city authorities also have been invited to take part in the procession. After a triumphal march to the presidential residence, Prexie will be left in the bosom of his family and more familiar friends. In the evening the clans again gather, this time at University Hall, where an address of welcome will be delivered by acting President Frieze, and responded to by President Angell. After various other addresses an adjournment will be taken to one of the larger lecture rooms, where Prex. will hold an informal reception, at which all so desiring may shake the returned president by the hand. With this touching ceremony the festivities close. It is rumored that the mayor of Ann Arbor, with his usual desire to preserve the public peace, has caused a force of special policemen to be sworn in for service on the day of reception, lest the exuberant spirits of fresh or soph should disturb the peaceful quiet of this home of culture.

The balmy weather of the last few weeks has stimulated athletic sports of all kinds. The Rugby players are out every afternoon practising for positions on the University Team. The interest in base-ball, so long dormant, is again rising under the influence of the recently-organized league. Steps have been taken to organize a lawn tennis club, and it is hoped that that sport so popular at the East will be introduced here with success. The "Co-eds" should favor it as it will give them a chance to gain renown as athletes (?). Western leagues of base-ball and foot-ball have been formed among several of the Western colleges, and the winner on each is to play the club winning the championship of the Eastern colleges. This will probably take the Rugby Team of the University of Michigan to the East next year, where we hope their luck will be better than on the previous memorable occasion.

The event of the coming week will be the junior hop. It is given annually to the junior class by the members of the secret societies. Of these societies I will say more in the next letter. The hop draws many visitors to the town, most of them ladies, as there are hardly enough in Ann Arbor to supply partners for the devotees of the dance.


