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It is seldom that any event occurs on account of which Harvard College is compelled to stop for a moment her daily routine of recitations. The annual day of prayer for colleges, a day in which nearly all other colleges suspend recitations, is totally disregarded at Harvard. In fact, it is hardly ever heard of here. Washington's Birthday and other legal holidays are disregarded in the same manner. But yesterday an event occurred that demanded at least some little respect from the faculty. The funeral services over one of our instructors were held in the chapel yesterday noon. During the hours that these last rites were being held over a professor who ought to be respected by all, the college recitations and lectures went on as merrily as usual, and no one would know, from appearances, that such a sad event was taking place. We cannot conceive how the faculty could allow this to be so. Common decency demanded that college exercises should be suspended, at least while the funeral services were being held, if not during the whole day.
