


Alaska wants territorial government, a governor, legislature, courts, etc.

An epidemic strongly resembling the plague recently appeared near Sanjbalagh.

A coroner's jury in Montreal yesterday returned a verdict that a child only seven years of age died of congestion of the brain, produced by strong drink.

The Pope, in giving an audience to the Spanish ambassador, said he regretted the political agitation which had arisen in connection with the proposed pilgrimage of Spaniards to Rome.

The monetary conference will probably not assemble. France is unwilling to re-convene the conference on April 1 on account of her desire to avoid another failure in her efforts to secure uniformity of views on the part of the powers.


A three-handed pigeon match was shot at Liverpool yesterday, at 100 yards, for Pound100 a side, Dr. Carver, at 31 yards, shooting against Mr. Graham at 29 yards, and Mr. Fowler, the Scotch champion, at 28 yards. Dr. Carver won easily.

The London Daily News says: The foreign office has reason to fear that, though Mr. Stillman, the Times correspondent, reported to have been killed by the Albanian Arnaouts, is safe, some English correspondent has really been murdered.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 15, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, warmer, fair weather, south-westerly winds, stationary or lower pressure.
